Sunday, August 16, 2020


A month behind on posting. Excuses, of course. No internet; busy unpacking and moving in; tired and Texas summer is upon us. This is the summer month locals have warned us about. 

One hundred nine degrees feel like hot Saturday and today. We have traded winter for summer, but not complaining. Get our outside work started at sun up and quit by 11 am at the latest. For us old folk, there is some of coming in and cooling off during those work hours. 

Homemade bread delivered to closest neighbors. They are within walking distance, but not in the heat of the late afternoon days. Both neighbors brought us house warming gifts along with introdutions and
welcome to Texas wishes a few weeks ago.

Local eatery mask notice. Yep!!

Good luck wishes in a BBQ joint sitting in the middle of a large red dirt parking lot. Located next to one of the major freeways running by just spitting distance out the front door.

Owner says lots of truckers stop to eat and order a pound of BBQ meat to go for their coolers in their big rigs. Said his daddy got him into BBQ at an early age and that he has always come back to running BBQ resturant. Said this is his last one.

Locals have told us that this is one of "the best places" to eat. No little fingers in the air eating here. Lots of paper towels, messy fingers and chins at the end of empty plates.  Of course, the owner stops at our table to see if everything is ok. Home cooking from the get go!!

The sign on his front door. Funny thing here was as a young customer was leaving the resturant, she put on a mask to go outside and get in her car. I swear!! 

New Hope is just a mile away in Texas. 


We have been without the Internet for quite awhile now. Finally, Friday our electrician came and ran two ethernet cables for our towers. I plugged in my computer only to have the hard drive fail. Second time. Luckily. we still have a loaned lap top for the  checking blogs and, you know, "news." New lap top shopping time. 

Trying the new Blogger upgrade here and honestly miss the old one.   Cannot figure out how to get everything to correctly justify, no auto save and appears not to have spell check. UP GRADE??


Appreciate the visit and patience with my being gone for a month. Barring any unforseen event, ought to be back now to the Sunday posting routine. 


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