Sunday, November 24, 2024


My wife indulges me and my wanting and enjoyment with knives. She is the one who said "it looks like my knives are having sex in their drawer." She has slanted views. Maybe why I love her so. I was going to also her show her the flashlights, but no topping "knife sex."

Started long long ago when I was given my first knife. Small, single blade, dull pocket knife. Similiar to the one pictured here in the upper lefthand corner. I was in grade school then and could not wait to take it to school and show my friends. At recess, playing marbles, we would show/share our prize possesions. Never ever mishandled or used in any manner beyond its intended use. Well, ok, we did play stretch. A boy being given his first pocket knife by a family member was a grand moment, looked forward to and always remembered. Elders were putting trust in us. Mothers put a few bandaids in their purses.

To this day an EDC tool. How many fracking packages I have  with my little pocket knives. And how many times I have kicked myself for not having it with me. 

Knives pictured above. Starting top left and moving clockwise.

1. Winchester two blade basic pocket knife. Never gets in the way in my pocket, but does get easily misplaced.

2. Outdoor edge with sheath. By far the sharpest kinfe I have ever found. Readily available at most hardware stores. Designed for replacement surgical sharp blades. Pull off the blade, slide in a new one till it locks. Comes with a half dozen extra blades in the sheath. Suggest you never gift this knife to anyone. An excellent choice for knife #2 in your bugout bag. Not for EDC in my opinion. Not a knife you would share for use with a companion. This knife spends most of its life in the drawer.

3. Kalashnikov 74 Auto-open. EDC, used daily and abused. Holds an edge. Very good all around knife.

4. Two CRKT knives. One of my favorite knife companies. Knives flip open if correctly pulled out of the pocket. Locks open, hold razor sharp edges and can be abused in every day use. Comfortable to hold. Looking for Christmas gifts? Reasonably priced. A forever knife if maintained.

5. Cobra Tech Knives-Black Ryker. Cannot remember when or where I found this knife. It was in the "knife sex" drawer. Auto open and holds wonderfully in hand. It must have been a moment of weakness, but a very nice find this morning. 

6. Buck knife with sheath. Auto open. Heavy like a truck in hand. Holds a razor sharp edge. If I ever go to a belt carry knife, this will be the one.

7. Copper Head Bear Hunter. Made in Pakistan. Found this for $10 at the gun show yesterday and made a big mistake for not buying a half dozen. Nice knife. Smoothed out the opening/closing with a little gun oil, ran the blade a few times over a smooth stone. This will be my EDC in place of #1 above. Nothing lost if I lose it. Well, I am already fond of it so yeah, it would be missed.

8. No name knife with sheath from the gun show yesterday. Good edge, but did spend time on the stone to fine tune. Oiled the movement, but still rough. Feels good in hand and will most likely carry like #1 and #7. Back-up knives. 

Over the course of time these knives get lost, misplaced, set down doing a job and then forgotten. After losing a few knives, I have found myself paying more attention now to folding the blade in and returning the knife to my pocket. If I let a friend use it, I reach my hand out for the knife when done. They are like good friends that do not let me down to move a simple job forward. Out of earned respect now, I hold them a little closer.



This roast has been in the freezer two years. It has been awhile since I have used the Pit Boss and it is Sunday. I see prices of ribeye's now for $75-plus and no way I will ever pay that. Two years ago they were on sale BOGO. Price then was reasonable and the roasts looked wonderful. The ribeye I saw a few days ago looked like crap. We always have a ribeye for Christmas and News Year's eve so we justified this one as a test case. Maybe they willl come on sale again somewhere. Maybe the prices will be reasonable in today's markets and just maybe the roasts will be as good as the one above. If not, we still have one left in the freezer for this New Year's eve.

Rubbed the roast with olive oil and then a heavy coating of black pepper. Looks like dinner around 3 PM today.


Egg Foo Young in a wok.

I have posted this before and also quite awhile ago. This became one of our go to breakfasts when we started new eating habits. I think it is the soy sauce that gives this dish the finishing touch.

Half the fun is trying to flip this without getting it all over the stove.




I fire up this small generator once a month. This morning it started on the first pull and I brought down the small winter elecdric heater for the shop and used it to load the generator. Surprisingly, this little generator runs that heater running on high.  I also want to get some new gas in it for the winter months. A few more morning runs and that job will be completed.



The 3D printer has been running 8-10 hours a day for over a week. Christmas presents to complete by early December. Wife's mass cookie productions start next weekend and the kitchen table will be knee deep in CC cookies and family speciality cookies her mother always made. She keeps this history alive for brothers and sisters to enjoy. I hope she calls on me to taste test to make sure no flaws have developed since last season. I am always honest, to the point of having to try some batches several times to make sure the highest quality and standards are being met. Work work work work work!

I alluded to this in past posts and still notice the relaxation and hope in the air today. My wife said that it is time for us to start using some of what we have put away for rainy days. Much in part this thinking comes from our age and time left here. But it is also fed by changing leadership in this country. 

Yard work today went by the way side. Weather patterns still offering nice days ahead. Tomorrow. Yep, tomorrow for sure. Promise!! 

Thanks for the visit. Have wonderful Thanksgiving and for goodness sakes, leave politics out of the get togethers. God Bless.


Monday, November 18, 2024



I had planned on starting this review with two thumbs up, ten out of ten, 5 stars, good to go and "Good Job Hancock" to Bambu Labs. 

All too often, I have wanted and had high expectations from service, a purchased product or tool. Then only to be sorely disappointed and telling myself I should have known better, asked more questions or spent more time doing homework. 

I have wanted to try 3d printing for well over a year now and have been putting off the purchase for the reasons stated above. I wanted a low cost /reasonable entry level, small footprint and proven design. A tool that I could set up and that would work as I learn the ins and outs of 3d printing. I wanted to avoid the downside of having to repair and constantly work on a printer just to get it to print. "Once bitten, twice shy."

I read many reviews and watched many and asked folks who use 3d printers for advice. The Bambu Lab A1 Mini always surfaced as the best choice for a entry level 3d printer. 

Some of my previous posts show a few of the small objects I have been designing and printing or free sailing model boats. I have been able to spend my time on design, modeling, prototyping and working in the design process loop. The little 3d printer is my helper in the process. 

A bigger project. Cell Phone Holder.

I saw a wooden cell phone holder months ago and loved the simplicity and function of the design. I made a wooden model from which to move to the 3d printing process.


Size, angles, fit, function, simplicity and appeal. 

Happy with this design, I moved to modeling in the computer. My wife was happy with this wooden prototype and asked if I would stain it. To date, she has not wanted a 3d printed upgrade. A lot to be said for old school!! 

But I am learning something new everyday that can be added to my box of tools. I can still build things just on a smaller scale. Besides it is fun! And just an FYI, the above 3d printed cell phone holder takes 7 hours to print. See, ya just learned something.

Yea, "Don't Let The Old Man in."

I would recommend the Bambu Lab A1 Mini 3D printer for getting started with 3D printing. From un-boxing to set up to first print. Maybe a great idea for kids this Christmas. Affordable $199 and with a spool of PLA filament about $225. 



Flash Mob: music from Pink Floyd. Turn up the volume. 



Rain, cooler days, first fire lit in the fireplace last week. The yard beckons to me no matter what window I look out. "Come clean me up - winter is coming." 

Holidays again. Turkey fixens, family and friends will again run its course. Black Friday, if we play, will be from the internet this year. Some Christmas presents already stacked on the kitchen table and in the queue for mailing. My wife's mass production of Christmas cookies is about a week away and they will all be delivered by the middle of December. And I again, have to be good and not eat any. What are the odds?

I notice some weight off of my shoulders. Not letting my guard down, but a sense of relief and hope that has been gone for too many years. 

To you, thanks for the visit this week.




Sunday, November 10, 2024


I cannot find another photo that I have taken in the past months that best represents how I/we feel this past week in our neck of the east Texas woods. Our county went 85% for Donald Trump. The nation also stood up and showed how important getting out to vote is. Memes said that "we could not vote our way out" of these past years; maybe we can. Memes also hinted that "voting harder" was wishful thinking. My bet is a few million pens in hand pushed a little harder when marking those check marks for change in leadership for this country.

Not going to gloat or beat a dead horse to death here. BUT, we won. The nation won. We The People won. Families won. The economy won. McDonald's won. Garbage men/women won. Squirrels won. Lying, hatred and contempt for the American citizen all failed and hold no near future.

There is a lot of work to be done. We are not out of the woods. But the next 4 years look so much brighter. Good for the USA!!



Yep, even here we feel it. Up north in our old NH, snow and cold weather. Snow in NW Texas and cold fronts passing through here leaving the much needed rain. Up in the morning now putting on my old favorite work sweatshirt, socks and long pants. Still finish the days in t-shirt and shorts but those days are numbered.   

Family came out to visit this weekend and the bride was all involved in getting the house cleaned and ready.  Fun snacks on the table when they arrived, pulled pork from the slow cooker for dinner.

Pulled pork 


Saturday morning we were among the first in the doors at our Christmas fair put on by all of the local churches. All items are handmade by locals and bargains were everywhere. We always find fun gifts and homemade eats yummy beyond words.  This event is a wonderful introduction to the Christmas season. More so this year. 

I found a few great Christmas gifts and this bargain below, hidden by drop table tops around one of the displays. The gal explained that she could not set the bird houses out for lack of room nor bring them out further on the floor as they would trip folks walking by. 

I pulled this Purple Martin bird house out and the gal said I could set it on her table top. She said that the price on this item had just dropped by $25. The quality of construction was excellent and the hand painted flowers a perfect finish. 

As I walked by, so did a lady holding a large tray of home made fudge brownies. I joked that I would be happy to help her eat that tray. She set the brownies down and started to pull off the saran wrap covering. With a big smile, she said she was just waiting for an excuse to eat one and was happy to share. I told her I was teasing and that I could no longer eat those kinds of desserts. I felt bad because I bet we would have easily eaten two apiece. Everyone at the fair had a smile on their face and a desire to visit. Strangers were like family and friends. 

I do love these east Texas folks. Yep!


Another bargain I found was a cookbook put together by women from all of the local churches. An excellent price and full of good east Texas home cooking.

But on page 86, I found a reciepe for  Possum Roast. "Place the dressed possum in a kettle....." is the first step. I quickly turned the page. PORK CHOP CASSEROLE. Whew. Then on page 90 Roast Possum again. "Rub opossum with salt and pepper."

I closed the book. "They are serious" I thought to myself. Then I made the mistake of setting the cookbook down and asking the internet about Possum recipes. I knew better from the get go. I just knew better.

I am a fan though of their Home Made Cinnamon Rolls and Very Cheesy Lasagna along with a few hundred of their other southern treats.



I am a fan of string beans and the bride says she will always eat string beans when they are not cut up. I found bags of fresh string beans at the local market and took the time to clean, trim, blanch and add home fried chopped bacon and onions. A treat, as making s-beans like this is time consuming. Maybe I overdid the bacon and onions.

Cheese omelet with bacon and onions. Salsa and avocado always.



Rudder and self-adjusting Braine Steering device install next. 



It has been a week adjusting to the time change and being in some kind of recovery mode from these past few years. Some restless sleep coupled with some drop off the edge of a cliff deep sleep. Add days of wanting to do nothing all day to the list. Jibber jabbering is also going to wait. I will leave you with this project in the works.

Testing the first "chicken soup in a jar" recipe idea for a few Christmas gifts. The goal is to build a chicken soup in a jar that can be cooked in one hour with very little else needed.

Have an excellent week and thanks for the visit.