Not going to gloat or beat a dead horse to death here. BUT, we won. The nation won. We The People won. Families won. The economy won. McDonald's won. Garbage men/women won. Squirrels won. Lying, hatred and contempt for the American citizen all failed and hold no near future.
There is a lot of work to be done. We are not out of the woods. But the next 4 years look so much brighter. Good for the USA!!
Yep, even here we feel it. Up north in our old NH, snow and cold weather. Snow in NW Texas and cold fronts passing through here leaving the much needed rain. Up in the morning now putting on my old favorite work sweatshirt, socks and long pants. Still finish the days in t-shirt and shorts but those days are numbered.
Family came out to visit this weekend and the bride was all involved in getting the house cleaned and ready. Fun snacks on the table when they arrived, pulled pork from the slow cooker for dinner.
Pulled pork
Saturday morning we were among the first in the doors at our Christmas fair put on by all of the local churches. All items are handmade by locals and bargains were everywhere. We always find fun gifts and homemade eats yummy beyond words. This event is a wonderful introduction to the Christmas season. More so this year.
I found a few great Christmas gifts and this bargain below, hidden by drop table tops around one of the displays. The gal explained that she could not set the bird houses out for lack of room nor bring them out further on the floor as they would trip folks walking by.
As I walked by, so did a lady holding a large tray of home made fudge brownies. I joked that I would be happy to help her eat that tray. She set the brownies down and started to pull off the saran wrap covering. With a big smile, she said she was just waiting for an excuse to eat one and was happy to share. I told her I was teasing and that I could no longer eat those kinds of desserts. I felt bad because I bet we would have easily eaten two apiece. Everyone at the fair had a smile on their face and a desire to visit. Strangers were like family and friends.
I do love these east Texas folks. Yep!
Another bargain I found was a cookbook put together by women from all of the local churches. An excellent price and full of good east Texas home cooking.
But on page 86, I found a reciepe for Possum Roast. "Place the dressed possum in a kettle....." is the first step. I quickly turned the page. PORK CHOP CASSEROLE. Whew. Then on page 90 Roast Possum again. "Rub opossum with salt and pepper."
I closed the book. "They are serious" I thought to myself. Then I made the mistake of setting the cookbook down and asking the internet about Possum recipes. I knew better from the get go. I just knew better.
I am a fan though of their Home Made Cinnamon Rolls and Very Cheesy Lasagna along with a few hundred of their other southern treats.
I am a fan of string beans and the bride says she will always eat string beans when they are not cut up. I found bags of fresh string beans at the local market and took the time to clean, trim, blanch and add home fried chopped bacon and onions. A treat, as making s-beans like this is time consuming. Maybe I overdid the bacon and onions.
Cheese omelet with bacon and onions. Salsa and avocado always.
Rudder and self-adjusting Braine Steering device install next.
It has been a week adjusting to the time change and being in some kind of recovery mode from these past few years. Some restless sleep coupled with some drop off the edge of a cliff deep sleep. Add days of wanting to do nothing all day to the list. Jibber jabbering is also going to wait. I will leave you with this project in the works.
Testing the first "chicken soup in a jar" recipe idea for a few Christmas gifts. The goal is to build a chicken soup in a jar that can be cooked in one hour with very little else needed.
Have an excellent week and thanks for the visit.
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