Sunday, June 24, 2018



Working squirrel-proof bird feeder up and running. Followed several ideas from YouTube videos. Two bags of quick dry cement holding a short PVC tube in a 5 gallon bucket. One-inch conduit cut to 7', three-inch PVC pipe with cap hanging on a short nail drilled and placed through the conduit. It is squirrel-proof but not bear-proof. Because the bear is due through here at least two more times before winter sets in, time will tell the fate of the new bird feeder.

While I was sitting and taking these photos, a hawk flew over the house and circled twice. I took a quick shot of the bird before it disappeared over the garage roof.   

No surprise that during the several circling over flights, not a small creature could be seen any where here. They went dark and quiet instantly. I suppose we are a target-rich environment for hawks. 

***** Two weeks have passed and damn if the grey squirrels cannot climb the small brown PVC pipe. A light coat of Vaseline did the trick for a couple days, but a short, larger bell of 6" PVC at the top of the current one ought to be a final fix. 


Short Mavic Pro DJI drone video

I am way behind on the learning curve on all this little drone can do. Way behind. The opportunity to follow my son around on a near by lake presented itself along with wide open spaces to practice. 

Good practice for me but the drone was not properly set up nor did I have a video flight/photography plan. Son could not ride the jet ski for just a couple minutes in gentile wide circle so I could film (no, not his fault) but I did get some footage and ultimately realized how much homework I need to do learning basic camera and flight set-up. 

I am still amazed at the technology, potential of aerial photography and flying a remote aircraft from a phone or table screen. 


A week behind in post and only excuse I have is that it is summer, outside play, going/coming and chores are taking precedence. 

Officially summer now and the days are getting shorter. Yea, who needs to be reminded of that? Heads up and put the cell phone in your pocket. 

Monday, June 11, 2018


Neglect and time have a way with things of man. It seems just a year or two ago we put up a few of these homemade bird houses trying to add some personality to the outlying areas here on the hill. 

I had all but forgotten these bird houses and fence nailed to a tree alongside our back yard. I was surprised at how much has been erased and covered these past  years.   

Today it is completely obscured and a new normal prevails.  Suffice it to say weather, creatures and seasons have left their mark. If I do nothing, it will  become forest dust. 

The wood shed was finally cleaned out these last few days and winter wood completed. The earliest I have ever gotten the wood in and stacked. It helps to hire a young 18 year old home from college. 

Two of these "new bird houses with fence" survived the past years much better stored in the shed rafters.

Time for them to take their turn and run their course here on the outlying areas. 


We have all coexisted here well. Humans, birds, squirrels, pets, one bear and other night-roaming animals. 

Bird food is usually put out daily, an allotment for all. Bird varieties, squirrels, chipmunks have all been fairly friendly and somewhat respectful of the others at the table. 

But a grey squirrel has moved in along with too many chipmunks. They clean up the offerings in a few minutes and let no one else near the feeders. I found the big grey had actually opened the lid to the metal garbage can in the garage and was feasting on stored seeds. How he got the lid up is beyond me. I think he is the one taking down the other feeders.

I could take up arms and take care of this but would never do that. I am, instead, building a squirrel-proof feeder (pictured at the right). The war will continue for awhile. 

I have not been interested in getting wrapped in any of the worldly follies this past week. Weather has been nice and time outside playing in the yard has prevailed. 

Stay with the taking care of yourself program. 

Sunday, June 3, 2018


We lost our Golden over Memorial Day Weekend. Suffice it to say there are holes here in our hearts and the places we walk and look. It is a part of life and these things are easy to say until it happens to you. I will not go into more than sharing this with you. Note that I do so in helping me and her heal and admit writing this brief note is more for us. 

We have had three Golden's here since the early 2000's. They have given us so much that neither words nor time will ever be never be enough. 

In our healing process, we are building a memorial to the girls.

The early morning sun shines on the ground where the girls will be remembered. Three stones with their names and time on earth. 

The place has been chosen, cleared and leveled. The final hanging basket found itself in place on day one. How could we bring that home and not hang it?

Maybe a day or two left to complete with a few hostas in the back, red bark mulch and then the spreading of ashes behind each stone, setting the girls free for eternity to roam this land they lived and loved. Never a day on a leash nor mandated behavior training. 


The pressure inside of us has eased some, in large part of our connection and work on their garden. Progress.

Found this just yesterday on ACE and a great way to end this blog.

Thanks for the visit this week.