Monday, December 30, 2024


 "In your dreams, Finnegan"

I bet he got a few Christmas present "bites."



I have had this explained to me many times by many folks here, that a taco can be anything you want it to be. Turns out, fish tacos are a "thang." 

I "poo-pooed" fish tacos when I first started hearing of them. Biases and all of that. Dallas sister-in-law offered them up one day for lunch a year or so ago and I have never looked back.  Opting in now for the anything-can-be-a-taco, I fried up some local fresh catfish seasoned with locally-made Fajita mix last night for dinner. 

Wife's quotes cannot be repeated, but she is a big fan. Twenty twenty five will be seeing more Fajita meat tacos for quick meals. Filling, healthy, messy and full of flavor.


Falcon 9 launch 12/29/24 

5000 drone Christmas flight 




One of the best series we watched in 2024. I highly recommend it.

We have been putting off getting Paramount. But for a joint Christmas gift pulled the trigger for this next year. I am a big fan of Taylor Sheridan.


Billy Bob Thornton makes this series a must-watch.

Lioness Season 2 

Taylor Sheridan saves this season through a few of the best ever gun fight scenes. He has my full attention when watching one of his movies.

We watched it, enjoyed it but probably will not re-watch other than a few of the most actionable sections. We watched season 1 several times and thought it very good. But season 2 falls down (in my opinion) with a little too many unrealistic emotional moments replacing a few good gut-wrenching "getting into the fight" opportunities. 

I would have loved seeing the helicopter pilot strapped over a rock fighting til the end and the lead character continuously delivering fire til the end instead of taking time to yell "reload" and looking into the sky with some kind of end of the world woe is me OMG OMG as the enemy floods down the hillsides.  And then not being in the middle of getting dirty helping take care of the wounded after returning from the battle. I expect the same from a heroine as I do from the guys. Nothing less!!!

Nichole Kidman has the best female game going in either season. She brings strong credibility to these stories. You do not see her going into the bathroom vomiting after "getting dirty."

Lioness #3? Gonna have to really up the game. New faces and improve the story line. Ok, ok, ok!!! Hey, give Nichole Kidman a gun. Just made myself laugh.


We enjoyed S1 but I found S2 slow. I see now that there will be a S3. I will watch that in hopes it lives up to S1. A fan, but wanting for more. A weak criticism because I cannot well define "more."

Entering 2025, we will be exploring more offerings from Paramount, Showtime and Prime. Old folk entertainment!! 



The Bambu Lab A1 Mini is humming as we "speak." Final prints of designs completed over this past month. Plan to give a few more of these items to folks.

Just before Christmas, my wife, out of the blue said, I quote, "why don't we turn the north bedroom into a man-cave?" 

She explained that my wants for the addition of another 3d printer and more room to "play" might be the best use of that room. Gets me out of the main bedroom and does indeed offer a larger office/computer work environment. What about a napping couch?

Plans are in the works. Will share as the room develops and as more 3d projects come into play.


END OF 2024

No exhaustive recap. Was a fine year for the bride and me in our late retirement years. Worldly events have come and gone and now on to what to believe or pay close attention to? Getting through January before another deep breath can be taken remains warranted, tho. 

In the meantime, for all who visit here and for us, best we keep on keeping on. 

The best of the new year to all and thanks for your time to stop by from time to time. God bless.


Monday, December 23, 2024


I have helped decorate a few Christmas trees in my years, but all of them would never have added up to this one pictured here. Plus lights. I had to take a few photos and spent time with the "wow" factor. How much patience/talent do you have to have to do this? I am guessing this was a group effort.


Regardless, a good opening photo to the YMATA Christmas 2024 post.

Has been busy few weeks for us, but not "Abby Normal" this time of the season. Cookie gifts delivered, presents mailed out and all have arrived on time. The bride and I have been treating each other to presents via Amazon for a month now. "I would like a........". "OK, my treat as one of your Christmas presents." Not much to unwrap this season. 

The rule of waiting until Christmas to open presents vanished years ago. We have been known to give birthday presents months in advance. Our 24th anniversary is next week and we have ordered a very nice gift that is scheduled to arrive later in the week. Not a big gift, but one we are equally excited about. We are in the Christmas spirit early this year. I even have the essential cards ready to go. 

There is hope in the air. We can see it in other people with whom our paths cross. We are hearing and seeing more folks saying "Merry Christmas." "God Bless." The words easily offered in this little corner of our world.


Norwegian Apple Cake. Homemade. 

Neighbors 2 miles to the south brought this cake over Friday night on their "date night" out to a local steak house. They stayed and visited a few minutes wishing us a Merry Christmas. Their first date in seven months after their last baby boy. Now 4 boys. They were like young kids on a first date getting out of the house. I could see it in their eyes. 

We delivered cookies to them two years ago when they first moved here and they never forgot that moment of being welcomed to the neighborhood and meeting us. We received the same treatment from local neighbors when we first moved here. Still talk about the folks and the special treats they dropped off to say hello and welcome us to East Texas. Heart things!



The 3D printer has been running most everyday for over a month now. Cell phone speaker boxes and various holders. Most of the changes have been taking place inside the boxes and with the size of the opening in the back for cell phone fit.  Just when I thought I was done, I would share with a friend and have them put their cell phone in the slot. Their larger phone cases would not fit. 


One fellow said that the cost of new cell phones are now over $1K so protecting them in a heavy duty case is important. He had a point. I went back to the original designs/drawings and changed dimensions and changed dimensions and changed dimensions til these bigger phones fit. 

Designs and ideas for cell phone holders and passive speaker boxes are all over the net. It has been fun and a great learning experience for me working inside the design process and continuing to learn 3d printing.



Weather has been mild so for this season. Temperatures in the 60s this week with some rain predicted.

I am not at a loss for more posting here, but am more inside a relaxed peace state of mind. Have just passed 300K visits over the years posting. Not a big number in the scheme of things, but for one old man in a little corner of the world it is just fine. 

Have a Merry Christmas this season. Wishing you time and appreciation of some of the little things in life and for a year ending on better footings than recent years past. The days are longer now as the sun rises a little higher each day. 

God Bless and thank you for your time in visiting here this past year.



Sunday, December 15, 2024



"George" is top shelf in my book. Belongs to a friend. Cannot take my eyes off this photo.


Fresh catfish fried in bacon grease. Seasoned with homemade Cajun fixins. 


Kali visits the Fox Hat Farm over Thanksgiving. Thanks "K". 



It is the season in our kitchen. This is the second batch of homemade Christmas cookies this past week. The table has been cleared once already of my wife's homemade family cookies, shipped and delivered to Dallas. Wife's brothers and sisters appreciate the cookies that their mom and grandmother always made. 

I keep waiting for one or two of these to fall on the floor.



The Bambu Lab A1 Mini has been running for a few weeks know. Seven iterations in the photo above trying to improve my design. There are many ideas on the web and I have taken to a basic rectangular box.

I want quality sound and volume increase.

I want simplicity and a design that will fit and look good on a working desktop.

I want function in the form of setting in and removing a cell phone.

I want most all cell phones folks have (with cases) to fit. 

I want feedback from those with whom I share these first 3d prints to help me improve design and function through testing and everyday use.

I purchased the .stl file for the stand above about a month ago. It works so well that my wife has adopted it on her desk. Increases volume, small footprint, and she likes it. I have learned a lot watching her use this. Hands-free talking while working at the computer. She no longer has to hold on to the phone for conversation. 

Even though the one I have designed will now work for her, I doubt she will give this one up. She can also lay her phone in landscape position for charging. My design does not offer a charging option.

No matter how well my stand produces sound, if it is cumbersome to use, no one will use it. If it does not fit/look good on a desk top, and function easily on a desk top, no one will use it. 

A work in progress, but I am hopeful that folks who test for me find that my design works and adds to the use of their of their cell phones while talking and while listening to music. Time will tell. Bottom line, I am happy with this final design, function and build.

And, I am having so much fun with 3d printing, I am considering adding another 3d printer. The biggest boost may have come from my wife who suggested we change one of the small bedrooms to become a "man cave." Her words. It would help to have a bigger build plate for printing multiple copies at one time. A man cave has lots of potential.



East Texas weather has been mild comparatively speaking. Cold enough for us to bundle up and keep the fireplace lit. But not New England cold with snow and ice. 

Thanksgiving was just her, me and a large turkey. A few days of turkey, gravy and other leftovers worked well. We talk of not doing a big turkey anymore, but have landed on keeping with traditions as long as we can. We have heard too many stories of younger folk opting for less. Both my wife and I are hardened with hanging on to many of the old ways we have grown up with. Meals on wheels will arrive soon enough, but not this year. 

The Christmas spirit has wormed its way into our home now. It feels very good and we are thankful in the simplest of ways. 

Thanks for the visit this week.