"In your dreams, Finnegan"
I bet he got a few Christmas present "bites."----------------
I have had this explained to me many times by many folks here, that a taco can be anything you want it to be. Turns out, fish tacos are a "thang."
I "poo-pooed" fish tacos when I first started hearing of them. Biases and all of that. Dallas sister-in-law offered them up one day for lunch a year or so ago and I have never looked back. Opting in now for the anything-can-be-a-taco, I fried up some local fresh catfish seasoned with locally-made Fajita mix last night for dinner.
Wife's quotes cannot be repeated, but she is a big fan. Twenty twenty five will be seeing more Fajita meat tacos for quick meals. Filling, healthy, messy and full of flavor.
One of the best series we watched in 2024. I highly recommend it.
We have been putting off getting Paramount. But for a joint Christmas gift pulled the trigger for this next year. I am a big fan of Taylor Sheridan.
Billy Bob Thornton makes this series a must-watch.
Taylor Sheridan saves this season through a few of the best ever gun fight scenes. He has my full attention when watching one of his movies.
We watched it, enjoyed it but probably will not re-watch other than a few of the most actionable sections. We watched season 1 several times and thought it very good. But season 2 falls down (in my opinion) with a little too many unrealistic emotional moments replacing a few good gut-wrenching "getting into the fight" opportunities.
I would have loved seeing the helicopter pilot strapped over a rock fighting til the end and the lead character continuously delivering fire til the end instead of taking time to yell "reload" and looking into the sky with some kind of end of the world woe is me OMG OMG as the enemy floods down the hillsides. And then not being in the middle of getting dirty helping take care of the wounded after returning from the battle. I expect the same from a heroine as I do from the guys. Nothing less!!!
Nichole Kidman has the best female game going in either season. She brings strong credibility to these stories. You do not see her going into the bathroom vomiting after "getting dirty."
Lioness #3? Gonna have to really up the game. New faces and improve the story line. Ok, ok, ok!!! Hey, give Nichole Kidman a gun. Just made myself laugh.
We enjoyed S1 but I found S2 slow. I see now that there will be a S3. I will watch that in hopes it lives up to S1. A fan, but wanting for more. A weak criticism because I cannot well define "more."
Entering 2025, we will be exploring more offerings from Paramount, Showtime and Prime. Old folk entertainment!!
The Bambu Lab A1 Mini is humming as we "speak." Final prints of designs completed over this past month. Plan to give a few more of these items to folks.
Just before Christmas, my wife, out of the blue said, I quote, "why don't we turn the north bedroom into a man-cave?"
She explained that my wants for the addition of another 3d printer and more room to "play" might be the best use of that room. Gets me out of the main bedroom and does indeed offer a larger office/computer work environment. What about a napping couch?
Plans are in the works. Will share as the room develops and as more 3d projects come into play.
END OF 2024
No exhaustive recap. Was a fine year for the bride and me in our late retirement years. Worldly events have come and gone and now on to what to believe or pay close attention to? Getting through January before another deep breath can be taken remains warranted, tho.
In the meantime, for all who visit here and for us, best we keep on keeping on.
The best of the new year to all and thanks for your time to stop by from time to time. God bless.