I laugh every time I watch this. A good start for this week's blog.------
Well, I went to his site (OZZY MAN) and went down the rabbit hole.
Just lost my S*** on this one. Complete uncontrolled laughter with tears running down my face.
Found on Daily Time Waster.
TENNESSEE WHISKEY I liked this song. Sound up/head phones on. FF to 3:00 in the video. Sara Spicer singing. I have not heard her before.
Ride along with her and share!
HOT (forecast)
What each day was.
Learning "Velveting Beef" to pass time these hot summer days. How Chinese restaurants tenderize beef.
I decided to give it a try.
If you enjoy Chinese foods and often eat out, you may recognize that the beef slices in the photo above look just like the beef slices in restaurant
Chinese dishes. I used an old package of frozen beef from the freezer to experiment on this dish. A matter of being curious and the wanting to learn this.
This adds a few more moving parts but well worth the planning and a little more effort.
I used half a white onion sliced and two small peppers from the garden. packaged Mongolian Beef packet for the flavoring, and followed the directions on the web site above.
FYI My wife, who can be IS a very outspoken critic of foods, gave 5 thumbs up. Cleaned her plate, twice. I do love a win!
A cup of coffee in Johannesburg SA, 2007. Called a "Creme Caramel"..
Hanging on a hook
Building Afternoon Storms
Near the Yukon River, Alaska
Mission complete, returning to base camp, Central Highlands, RVN, 1967.
Talking of the heat in Texas will be a part of this blog through August and into September. We are not alone in the heat this summer for sure, but it is a daily challenge to the normal comings and goings for us.
I have noticed a big uptick in the price of beef.
Gas is also up nearly .50cents per gallon seemingly over night.
We are paying closer attention to keeping the rat car and the Dodge truck in top shape. No cutting corners on mechanical issues.
Appreciate the visit this week.
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