Sunday, December 11, 2022


 'Tis the season!!

All packaged and delivered by the week's end. And "no", I cannot sneak even one. Well, she did break two. I should not complain. 



Another day at the office. 



From Bustedknuckles.

It has been decades since stories of the flu season for us. And it is the Flu!! Textbook. Look it up. We checked every symptom box off. Everyone!!

I feel as though both my wife and I have finished this "go around." I still am not 100% for a long day with energy. But that is improving. The story from Bustedknuckles is very typical of those coming down with the flu this season. All the elderly neighbors here have had this or are finishing it up. 

Advice? Prepare and have all of the OTC items on hand. Honey, tea, chicken soup, parts and pieces and anything else you deem necessary. 

No need to get tested for C19. It is the flu. A personal opinion though. Experience here is that you will be on your own to get through this. Rest, fluids, repeat, repeat, repeat. And you will eat the north end of a south bound duck when your appetite returns. Best fully-cooked though!!

And if you get this, you will understand that you will not want to talk to anyone and have no visitors. If you think you will be back to work in two days; well, good luck with that. 

More important, anyone at work expecting you to come back soon ought to remember how apparently contagious this is. 

Wash hands again again again and stay away from crowds.



This article from The Burning Platform caught my eye yesterday and worth sharing. I am not sure what most folks are seeing, but our outings have been a trip to a doctor's appointment. A trip to the pharmacy. No other shopping.



Going after a squirrel in this pic. Looks well-fed and healthy. Nice animal.


MADISON BOAT WORKS  Sailing the Marquesas

Started their adventure in the San Juan Islands, Washington state. 

They publish once a month or so. Good videos to cast and watch. A sailing channel where we get to see a lot of sailing and their adventures. Relaxing and great photography.

It took me mere seconds after starting this video to sing out loud, "We got eighty feet of waterline, nicely making way."

Of course I had to watch this video and lyrics. A true story told in music. One of my favorite songs of all time!!

"The girl who twice ran away"


Strange weather for me this December in east Texas. Not Texas, it is me. I am used to the very defined and consistent seasons of NH and New England. 

The past weeks here have been wet, cloudy and dreary. Temperatures in the 40's, 50's and 60's. Can plant onions in a few weeks and with that, kick off another growing season. Days start getting longer. 

Ponds, pools and lakes are filling up. We comment daily on the need of the lands here for more rain. Fields are displaying noticeable greening.

A fresh bale of hay yesterday had just been rolled over the fence by a local rancher for a local neighbor. Took these two horses no time at all to get into it.

A good week. Twinges of the Christmas spirit delivering a few dozen home made cookies to local businesses who have treated us well from the day we arrived here. Smiles on faces. All replied "and a Merry Christmas to you."

Thanks for the visit this week. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you're feeling better. It hasn't made it up to New England as of yet.
