Sunday, September 6, 2020


Piney Woods country roads. This sunrise was spectacular but finding the right moment to stop for a photo did not present itself safely. Speed limits quite often 70 MPH. School zones, 35 MPH.  

Big rains mid and late week. Thunderstorms rain for hours then in the blink of an eye, the sun breaks through and takes over. Just as I was prepping this post, rain hit. Front and back yards' roof drains working. moving heavy rain to lower yard levels. New home construction shows remains of Texas mud/sand. It may look nasty, but in the scheme of things, the new home is handling the weather as planned. 

Cannot plant anything during the triple-digit temperaturres of August. The season is changing now to some cooler temperatures and rain. Planting the front and back yards with ground cover is one of our next chores. 

Font yard. Still shows signs of damage from construction equipment moving on and off the property from the front road. In need of leveling, raking and planting.

Back yard. Green ground cover, not damaged by construction, show what the the yard will come to be. French drains working to move rain fall away from the house. 

The ground here is a good mixture of sand and dirt. The water pictured above soon soaks in, but the sticky mud will last a few days.


Has anyone ever told you that they love you a bushel and a peck?


I love you a bushel and a peck
A bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck
A hug around the neck and a barrel and a heap
A barrel and a heap and I'm talkin' in my sleep
About you, about you
'Cause I love you a bushel and a peck
You bet your purdy neck I do
A doodle oodle oh
A doodle oodle oodle oh doo
I love you a bushel and a peck
A bushel and a peck though you make my heart a wreck
Make my heart a wreck and you make my life a mess
Make my life a mess, yes a mess of happiness............


Quiet this past week other than chores. The burning world has taken a back seat for awhile as we pick away at our lists of "have to do's" and wants. 

Thanks for the visit this week. 

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