Sunday, February 5, 2017


The good news here is that he turned off the snow blower first.

The young man was standing in the supermarket, stationary behind his cart. His right arm was held to his chest with his hand held up. First tips of three fingers were bandaged in white. He had an "owey." I had to ask, no tact but always with concerned interest. "I just have to ask; what did you do?"

"I tried to unclog the snowblower chute with my hand and a spring caught my fingers." 

I did not ask for details. He told me there were a lot of stitches and he did lose part of tip of his middle finger. All in all he was lucky. We visited awhile and I am always inquisitive of folks who have been injured or hurt themselves. I have yet to be disappointed by their story. (Like the young mother wearing a home-made cape, who broke her ankle jumping off the deck while playing a super hero with her young son.) 

I said "God Bless" and he said "thank you."


            NO CAPES

I spent a career teaching shop classes. Never had a serious injury. I doubt I could be as strict in my teaching attitude and methods today as I was then. Over 5,000 kids through my shop during my career with no serious injuries. 

The semester was coming to end and all of the kids in all of the classes were a part of an entire shop clean-up. Stem to stern, corner to corner pick-up and sweep.  Fed them doughnuts at the end of their class period to say thank you. 

During one class period, a student came to me and said, "John has a sliver."
His name was John and I can still remember his full name and see his face. A good kid. I told the student to bring John into my office so I could look at the sliver. "No, you have to go to him" replied the student. 

I found John in the wood room where he and others were re-stacking wood off the floor and placing the wood boards in the correct rack. The pad of John's middle finger was pierced through on the spiked end of a 6' pine board. Pencil size. John was throwing long boards back into their slot when one stopped short due to another short board (out of sight) was in the way, but his hand kept going. It so happened the end of the board John was holding on to was sharp and splintered. John was ok and seemed very matter of fact standing there, hand and pine board well assembled.

"Go get me a handsaw", I told one of the students. His face turned white, but he brought me a crosscut saw. (The kid brought me the correct tool for the job!!). This was a "sliver" I could not remove. I cut off the end of the pine board and walked John to the office with his hand and the attached pine board end. Office staff and nurse took over and John was off to the hospital to get the sliver removed. He returned a few hours later, no worse for wear. Told me that he had had a great conversation with the emergency room doctor. 


I was surprised this morning, finding a few of the tree tops with early buds, laying on the ground near the bird feeder. Freezing temperatures and strong wind often clip tips off the tops.  My attempt here, with the two photos, is to try to show some detail of early budding of trees out back. I am surprised as to how much budding is happening so early this year. Seems like a month, at least, ahead of past years.

The tree tops are laden with new buds like this. Not sure what it means, but am going to ask other folks if they are seeing the same thing around their areas. "Global Warming!!" 




"Reporters demanded to know where the president was going, but many of them fell silent when they found out he was headed to Dover Air Force Base to join the family of Chief Special Warfare Operator William “Ryan” Owens — who was killed during a nighttime raid on an al-Qaeda-held village in Yemen over the weekend — in receiving his remains."

I have thought for too long now that moments like this would never been seen again. More importantly, moments like this, never to be respected from the highest offices and staffs leading this country. I find this heartwarming to tears and the photos so well represent a leader, a man, a father, and a family standing and acting on behalf of our military and country.  

One of my favorite photos is the last photo of the set. Two V22 Marine Osprey in formation with two Marine 1 helicopters. 

Thank you Daily Caller.


"dance of the black balaclavas."

  • "These coddled children attack coeds and lampposts while imagining they are men at war?"

  •  "They call for war only because they expect it will never come."

This is reference to a recent week-ending post from blog site, The Kakistocracy. As a reader throughout the week, I enjoy the wit and apparent ease with which some folks can put a few normal words together and paint portraits. A talent I wish I had and came as easy.

Having spent a few years inside a war, and then seeing miles of Russian tanks running towards the border crossing with intent to invade, I think that I can add to these coddled children's' self-removal from reality, that there is nothing romantic or worth longing for in war. Be it a war against ourselves or a war without. Once started, a war is long-lasting and forever changes the face and future of peoples, lands and history. A trigger can never be un-pulled or a falling bomb dis-armed. Losers in a political race pale in comparison to losers in war.

War is something of words to these children and I doubt have been studied, discussed, debated or a degree of understanding sought. With Hollywood and gaming being the measure of warring in their reality, I might understand a romance or use of the concept within their "dance." 

Breaking windows while dressed in the war fatigues or black-hooded sweat shirts is not the end game in war. These behaviors are not war and these youngsters will not/never be on the front line, nor would they survive beyond the flash mob. These are actions of funded cowards. 

Look for them behind the lines and safely tucked way when war comes. Men's men and women's women will be front and center then as they are now. Youngsters might pause and give some thought to the sleeping giant in their midst. Do not expect the giant to awaken and follow their road taken.

I also am curious if silence and courtesy from the American Majority is seen and understood as a sign of weakness? 

 WHERE A VILLAGE ONCE STOOD -Central Highlands; Vietnam, 1967
Photo taken not long after bombing run.
Heavy small arms fire from the village upon our ground troops. 
Solution in time of war?
Remove the village.


SUPER BOWL LI in a few hours here. From chit-chat I have overheard or seen, politics may be running a little higher inside commercial content. "Immigrants" may tug at our heartstrings, although I doubt we will see attacks on our homeland. I would not, however, be surprised to see it on the field, in the stands or tossed in a few visible corners here and there. Too bad for the game and products if these commercial "previews" are true. 

If not for the Atlanta Falcons and QB Matt Ryan, I would probably find other things to do this afternoon. Not a Patriots fan, but as I have said before, am a fan of a few of the great athletics on the team. I watch for the greatness of their athleticism, but not as a team fan. The fan in me will be routing for the Falcons. 

Stand straight and tall this week. Carry yourself with purpose. Be kind and helpful to others. Work on your skill sets. Try or do something outside your comfort zone. Above all, have a great week.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed - the black clad "children" breaking windows and destroying cars would be the first casualties of a "real" war - if by some mischance they actually hadn't already run away looking for their safe place. I am not particularly a Trump fan and think (rather than feel) that a lot of people don't trust him so that's why they freaked out at his "secret" ride in the helicopter - he's adept at congratulating himself so it was out of context that he didn't announce this "ride" prior to taking it.

    If the Falcons win the SuperBowl they will have earned it and ditto the Pats - I am always astounded by the athleticism of the players on any/all teams. Sorry but Go Pats! :)

    And I never ever never put my hands inside any machinery - running or not!
