have found writing this blog entertaining. I now sneak into the
corners of my blog site, trying to learn how I can enhance the site
w/o screwing it up so badly that I have to shut it down. I tread
lightly and rely on asking questions of those who know more than I
do. Time is on my side.
have had hits from France, Russia, Germany, Poland, Israel, Brazil, South
America, Spain, European Block Countries, South Africa with most hits
from the USA and Alaska. To those of you who come here from around
the world to read this blog, thank you. I have no idea how you came
across this tiny blog island, but I appreciate it.
will admit that we here on the hill in middle New England have
breathed a sigh of relief after the elections. This country works
best if we are governed from the middle. The pendulum has to swing to
the right now for awhile to hopefully again settle in the middle. If folks can better work the give and take--win some lose
some--sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats
you; we might just be able to
work ourselves out of the many holes our society and politicians have
dug. My money is not on
that, though, for I fear that once the large boulder starts to roll
down hill again, the momentum and speed eventually become more than man can stop. A lot of large trees are going to be knocked down
at the bottom of the hill and the path left behind will be easily
seen from passing orbs and fuzzy visiting space ships. Here on the
ground will be forever changed. History has this well
in my past days of some emotional and mental better-off feeling, I
feel hinky that downturns are still coming. I look over my shoulder
and feel these calmer moments are slippery
The After” raised its head here last week when I saw this tweet or FB post. I watched the
traffic mess, days before Thanksgiving and could not but help to
see this being a disaster in the making. Like ones and zeros, all
that needs to happen is a one
happening where a zero should be and the whole kit and kaboodle becomes another
script for the media speakers of words.
all the places I never want to find myself in, this is a wonderful
example. The secret is to get out early before this happens. In this
case, just one day earlier would have been better. Taking the
Thanksgiving week off and leaving days earlier would have been much
better. And the coming home postponed a few days, too.
I had no other options, I would at least be out practice-driving
directions out of town that are not seen in this tweet video.
Options, options and more options. Much better to be moving ninety
degrees to interstate traffic and to know the route as well as the
freeway. Bug out bags, full gas tank with extra fuel and what ever
else is important to your and yours.
concerns and viewpoints are by no means new. The visual of the traffic
back-up, though, did paint a good picture of what a moment in time
of panic and mass migration from the big cities will look like.
realize the author is trying to sell us something here. Seems in many of
these articles, the answer to all of our woes is just a credit card
number away. That being said, the general thesis around similarities
of Rome then and the USA now are worthy of reading. If we watch 50
cars drive off a cliff, we might conclude the rest of the vehicles
traveling down the same road, same direction and circumstances might
also end in the airborne experience.
we can see this, then a little common sense would cause us to change
a few things on the road to the cliff. A gentle U-turn, a road block
and detour, signs of complete failure ahead if the driver does not
make changes and so forth. But doing nothing and increasing the speed seems inadvisable.
“hinky” feelings mentioned above surfaces again. I think it best
to pull over now. Regardless, I found this a good read and worthy of
time thinking how all of this might impact us. If it is too
late to stop the faster moving traffic, it might not be too late for
individual thinkers to pull off and head another direction.
the word readers are all a flutter with gun violence and agenda. Oops, it
was an SUV attack and the driver got out and started stabbing people
on purpose. Yes, OMG, OMG on purpose!!! This
is not an accidental SUV rundown and accidental stabbings.
away from crowds, SUVs, quick moving knives and do not get on the
government buses. Oh, put the cell phone in your pocket when you are out and about. Head up, ears and eyes alert and
mind in the moment. When driving to and from, no cell phone, keep plenty of spacing around other vehicles and avoid
being in the center lanes that offer no exiting options. Do some of
these kinds of things and they will become habits in two weeks.
From the NET this past week
From the NET this past week
Hanging from spurs and safety harness-another day at the office
Hanging from spurs and safety harness-another day at the office
her put up a small Christmas tree on the down below gate post. We
hung bangles and topped the little guy off with a gold bell. Garland
was wrapped around the gate bar and a gold bell hung down from the
middle of the gate. More bangles to be added to the tree and a wreath
is a must to complete the gate bar. Her is in seventh heaven doing
this. Like a little kid twisting, hanging, tying, stepping back to
look and then coming forward with adjustments and additions.
cookies are in the queue now. Norwegian Fattigmand from my side of
the family; Hermits and Russian Tea Cakes from her side of the
family. We make a gazillion chocolate chip cookies and those are from SAM's in
bulk dough form. Best damn cookies for the price and effort. Cannot
eat just six.
out a half gallon of milk and I find a way to mainline a dozen at
one setting. Rehab starts again in January.
cookies are given to local friends, family and heart people in our
daily lives. Mechanic and crew get several dozen. Girls at the town
office a dozen each. Post office folks who are always polite and
helpful, a couple dozen. Our police department; respect, appreciation
and saying thank you for your service. And others. We bake these up
and stack em like cord wood on the kitchen table. The table is empty
the week before Christmas.
Ten dozen cookies, minus a few, are done this morning. Her is a measuring and mixing as we speak.
Ten dozen cookies, minus a few, are done this morning. Her is a measuring and mixing as we speak.
Second Batch of Russian Tea Cakes
We started watching the National Geographic Channel Series entitled
“MARS” three weeks ago. The first three episodes are still
programmed ahead of the weekly Monday night schedules. I have the
series recorded so as not to miss an episode. It looks easy to watch
past episodes and get caught up.
A wonderful series for family to watch
together. Could open doors of conversations worthy of time spent.
Maybe a model rover for Christmas.
This is the ongoing web blog associated with the TV episodes. Fun to
browse through, especially for kids to get hooked on good stuff like
this and find their minds spun up on science, adventure and space
travel. There are millions of worse things for kids to be watching so
give this time and program gift a look see.
is Wednesday morning and usually by mid week, the After Blog has
taken shape. A few photos, exceptional commentary (just made myself
laugh) and with days left to fine tune. But not this week.
afternoon, I watched the barn cat in the garage watch a rather chunky
squirrel saunter out from under the vehicle in the garage, pass in
front of the her and continue out to the driveway. The cat sat and
watched the squirrel leave. Her head swinging right to left with a
final glance up at me. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
looked at the cat dinner table and the dry food was down, the kitty
cream was gone as was the nasty salmon meal she loves to eat. So is the cat sleeping with the enemy now? Was it a dinner date
and the squirrel just leaving as I came into he garage? Of all the
wonderful worldly things I am trying to get through the funnel this
week, the cat behavior is puzzling. OR, was the cat so full
that she did have the energy to chase the squirrel? Regardless, there
is a squirrel in the wood pile!!
She got her monkey caught in her collar and was carrying it around like a little one in a pouch. Very cute. But the bag of chips I was opening trumped any of her monkey carrying concerns.
Have a very good week!!
Have a very good week!!
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