Tuesday, August 9, 2016


I believe that history repeats itself. To study history is time well spent to get a handle and a few insights on tomorrow. The seemingly continuous attacks these days on the Constitution, the heart of America and every individual freedom, it is no wonder, many folks are in some continual loop of search for truth. For me, it centers around finding a grounded source of daily common sense and news that is not agenda driven. I have over dosed-on the some “twenty somethings” suits or blonde-haired bare-armed experts expounding on all worldly matters. Or the old old men and women still reading the 1950's playbook to us. The liars are right in our faces now. A little time doing research, pulling back some and studying, reveals to me that all of this is not new, but rather a long, long battle that has been raging for years. Could be very possible now that the fuse is short.

Maybe Caprica was right: “It has all happened before and it will all happen again.” If you are a BSG fan, you will remember this. Just maybe a hint of truth because history does repeat itself, especially if history is not studied and used as some guide in future decision making. Students of history will recognize that much of our today's and proposed tomorrow's, have happened before.

If that is the case, regardless of degrees and individual takes on this, one thing is true: you and I are going to live through past history. Corruption is corruption, and lying is lying. If we are going to be forced through many of these past events and likely against our will, maybe it best be prepare for that trip. In keeping with history, there will those who make it and those who do not. Let's keep our knees bent, heads up and “dodge, duck, dive, dip and dodge.”

Hot and humid here in middle New England. Part of the "four" seasons. Ought to be through this soon and into the comfort of Fall and foliage. My favorite time of all the seasons. Acorns have been falling here for a couple weeks and it feels too early. Cherry tomatoes are on and daily candy with a dash of salt. Some baby red potatoes breaking the surface after hard rain, peppers and string beans ready also. Roma tomatoes by the dozens but still green. Will be eating or canning every one.

The last few years we have not had bees to help pollinate our vegetable garden. Simply planting more flowers all around the garden area and lawns this season have them returning. I see them in the wide open squash flowers in the morning and buzzing all around any open blooms in the evenings. Most successful garden, in regards to production, over the past few years. More flowers please!

Found canned powdered milk in 5.51 pound lots. Two years on expiration date, but will last longer in cool dry space, unopened. Makes 10 gallons and cost $35 each. Good find and purchase. Our recent experiences in Asian and African stores have found many wonderful items for long term storage and spicing up daily meals. Better and different offerings than everyday local super markets. Give these out of the way markets and stores your time to stop in and shop. Dollar Stores have some remarkable deals on #2 ½ size canned fruits.

Picking up seed garlic today. A fellow down the road has a killer crop every year and I usually purchase from him and other local growers. I can boast a nearly 100% success every year with our annual garlic growth. This year's crop is harvested, dried and in the food loop now.

Crab grass and weeds are the winners here in every other nook. Behind on much of this maintenance and only excuses to offer. Other chores being worked on and completed but the damn weeds scream at us daily. One day soon, very soon, they will have their final day this season, but not today.

The day is young here. The dog watches our moves and knows soon if we are staying home or going on the road. She is bedded now and senses we are home folks today. We turn TV's off now, much quicker than ever before. Even with sound off sometimes, the same constant images are quick sand. I joke with the bride that we should be thankful we still have an off switch.

I will take some solace this morning, again from Caprica six. (Caprica was a body style; like a Chevelle) Even she had a hint of optimism in the end/beginning. “Let a complex system repeat itself long enough and something surprising might occur.”

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