Snow Sky:
Nearing home with "after surgery wife" safe, snuggled in her seat and looking forward to peace and quiet as an east Texas winter storm approaches. Cows pictured here are youngsters eating and growing fatter. It was not too long ago these were calves. Good pasture lands and time!
But back to this in awhile--
Radial Keratotomy- "is a surgical procedure that corrects nearsightedness, or myopia, by reshaping the cornea" from a google search.
My wife tells the story of having this procedure done in 1992 to correct vision in both of her eyes.
"Procedure A surgeon makes small, deep incisions in the cornea to flatten it. This weakens the cornea's outer edge, which changes the cornea's curve and reduces refraction." Again google search information.The reshaping of the lens through this procedure changes the eye lens shape and improves vision.
My wife says she went home after this procedure and sat on the couch waiting for a couple hours to pass before she could remove the bandage. After removing the bandage,she could read the the titles of the books on the shelves across the room. From coke bottle corrective glasses to no glasses at all.
On Wednesday last week, 33 years later, we were returning home from her having another eye surgery to remove a cataract and have a Toric Lens implanted to correct her astigmatism. The doctor performing this operation said that he has done 25,000 of these operations and that the procedure takes about 7 minutes. Technology has come a long way from that early Radial Keratotomy procedure.
Several hours after we arrived home, removed the bandage over my wife's eye. Her eye was not as bad as the doctor warned we might see. Her eye was somewhat closed and reddened.
Now day 5, the eye is fully opened and her vision is "brand new." No more smudging spots to see through but rather a brand new eye with "new" vision parameters. We are vigilant in following doctors orders.
Eye number 2 operation at the end of the month. When all is said and done, her vision will be returned to youthful vision, likely requiring no more than reading glasses.
I have heard other successful stories like hers and have also heard stories not so successful. I am of the opinion that her successful outcome results from receiving excellent recommendations from our trusted eye doctor and witnessing the professionalism of the doctor performing the procedure on our first visit with him.
Personally, I have always held the opinion that I would never allow anyone to do any kind of corrective work on my eye(s). I have told myself to be happy with wearing glasses and not to take the chances of being one of those folks who walk out of such procedures with less quality vision than when walking in. Today, I would have no issues with trusting this doctor, his team and hospital that performed my wife's eye surgery. That is a bridge I thought I would never cross.
The challenge for me over these past few days comes from helping my wife get to and from her appointments within a lot of night driving on winter storm roads. Surgery was scheduled at 7AM and we had to be there a half hour early. Follow up appointment also meant driving in the dark on roads with freezing rain and ice conditions. The follow-up appointment the following day after surgery is important for checking eye pressures.
This gal tells a good story.
Am I surprised? Yes and no. I feel for the folks who have to endure the consequences of poor government policies and yet the absurdities continue.
I have never been a fan of "cop" TV series. Proof again never to say never.
We stared to watch this series a few nights ago, mainly because of our fondness for Tom Selleck as an actor.
We are enjoying the story lines and character developments enough to highly recommend.
Pulled pork with onions and BBQ sauce. Yummy and very messy. Roasted Brussel Sprouts (a super food) in olive oil and garlic salt. Oven set to 425 degrees on cookie sheet for about 20 minutes. They burn very fast near the end so watch em.
Neighbors bring food.
They knew we were coming home from wife's eye surgery in crap weather and brought over chicken stew so we would not have to cook dinner. This kind of neighborly behavior is alive and well here in Texas. Both my wife and I grew up in a family environment where neighbors helping neighbors was a norm. That is all still alive and well here.
We each enjoyed a full cup of chicken stew after we got home and spent the rest of the day resting with the fireplace on high. Freezing rain, light snow and cold outside. Well, cold for Texas.
Come to find out neighbor made enough chicken stew to feed three families and one big pot for us. Batch cooking. Chicken stew differs from chicken soup in that a can of Rotel tomatoes are added for some heat flavor. The first spoon full for me clears my sinuses and the heat flavor keeps me coming back until the bowl is empty. I do like it! I have shared chicken stew stories before.
Both super foods, quick and easy to make. Salmon for about 8 minutes in a frying pan with lid on. Fried in butter and olive oil with light Cajun seasoning. Medium heat.
Broccoli florets are steamed, softened, somewhat mashed and a half stick of butter is folded in along with salt.
Salmon is one of the quick go to meals we have once a week. Quick and easy to fix.
Jibber Jabber
I have been lax in getting my posting responsibilities done. Lazy to some degree too.
I am not sure if I am changing these days or if the times are changing or I just do not care as much as I use to. I read fewer blogs, use YouTube for some entertainment and play solitaire for complete mind removal from the world.
I have also had to pick up some of my wife's "duties to the house and home" while she is recovering.
She is not happy with this, but in her defense, has given me the reins and not complained. Following doctors orders pays big dividends after surgery. She is now though getting back into a few of her chores.
I find waiting awhile longer for her to bring me my first morning cup of coffee to be agreeable. I am here for her!
I made the bed this past week. Walking out of the bedroom and looking back, I thought to myself, hey!! Then I looked at the edges of the bed to see blankets at a slant and lumps at the foot of the bed. Both sides. No wonder she wants to get back to normal. But I made the bed!!
I have also been feeding/watering the cats. I am so glad they cannot talk.
Thanks for the visit this week.
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